As of June 11, 2022 most of the remaining mask mandates have been dropped with the exception of Long Term Care facilities. This means individual businesses can assess their risks to exposure and decide what works for them. What does that mean for RMTnat? It means that all RMTs will continue wearing medical grade masks. Although we strongly recommend our clients to keep on wearing masks we will insist on the following:
Clients wear masks if they feel like chatting during treatment. If you are just answering yes or no questions then you can get away with not masking. Just breathe via the nose.
Clients must still complete a self-assessment in the form of the COVID-19 form sent 24 hours prior their appointment. If Clients have any symptoms (that means COVID, COLD, FLU, MONKEYPOX,) they are not to come in and cancel their appointments immediately to avoid cancellation fees.
Allergies? If you do have allergies and are certain the symptoms are not cold/flu related please come in but wear a mask. You have no ideas what we feel when a client takes off their mask to cough in a treatment room Yikes!
Masks will be available for a $2 if you forget yours. Honestly, after 2 years of mask wearing it should be a habit ;)